What he said, Keep Going, stay curious. In the Bible, God says, “Those who seek me find me.”

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As always, I enjoy reading your writing and what you have to share about your life. I’ll be interested to see the comments and the content of those comments as you make this so-called “confession.” As an educated and trained social worker, one of the tenets of social work is critical self-reflection, and I see you doing that here. Something I also endeavor to do.

As I read your writing, I begin to engage in self-reflection and become curious about my own worldview and how I show up in the world. It’s interesting to consider the title of a confession about going to church. I suspect many connotations come with “religion” as well as “church.” I’m with you on the dogma, and I also resonate with the structure in real life and community. It’s so missing from our lives and the data show it. This isn’t simply anecdotal.

As someone interested in the wellness of myself as well as my fellow humans, I believe that whatever works to connect us in a place of kindness and understanding is where we should be. May each of us find these abundant qualities in our lives and support it in others.

Keep going. Stay curious, as I will. I’ll also be mindful not to judge, as you have, and continue to be curious about whatever it is that I am experiencing.

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